Entertainment on the Move - Innovation Contest 

£100k in funding for innovation in entertainment on the move


IC tomorrow, is offering four businesses up to £25k* each to encourage digital innovation in entertainment on the move across music, books, magazines and interactive entertainment and games. We are looking for innovative commercial solutions that meet broad objectives we have set in conjunction with our industry partners – the BPI (British Recorded Music Industry), the PA (Publishers Association), the PPA (Professional Publishers Association) and UKIE (UK Interactive Entertainment).


Contest Video


The challenges

IC tomorrow will be awarding up to four businesses individual awards of up to £25k* for the development of a service or application under four challenge cargories.



Each successful applicants will retain their intellectual property, and also:

  • gain from exposure to a range of industry partners
  • be able to test their proposed application or service with a relevant industry partner
  • be able to promote their solution via the IC tomorrow programme
  • receive support in resolving delivery issues related to the proposed solution.


Briefing Event

We ran a briefing event for the contest from BL-NK in London. You can view a recording of this event here and download the accompanying presentation here.


Key Dates

Contest Opens

 Monday 2 June

Briefing event

Wednesday 18 June

Application deadline

Noon, Tuesday 29 July

Finalists notified  

Friday 5 September

Final Panel Session

Wednesday 1 October


Key Documents

Contest Brief

The contest brief will give you an overview of the contest and the challenges.

Guidance Document

The guidance document will give you a more detailed description of the challenges including some essential information to ensure your submission fits the challenge. It also contains a question by question run down on how to complete the application form. 

*Individual awards will be a maximum of £25,000* each, excluding VAT.

Awards: 4 x £25,000

Contest brief

Guidance for applicants

Briefing event: Weds 18 June

Deadline: Noon, 29 July

Latest news

£100k contest to encourage digital innovation in entertainment on the move

IC tomorrow’s latest funded contest encourages digital innovation in entertainment on the...

A little about Entertainment on the move - Innovation Contest

The Entertainment on the Move – Innovation Contest is being run by IC tomorrow and offers £100k across 4 awards to companies innovating in the use of games, publishing and music on the move.